Orders to the UK (Updated)

Update: March 26th, 2021

UK customers, ordering will have to be a longer process for you and I apologize for this. Shopify does not have an easy way for vendors (like Etsy and Amazon Handmade) to quickly work through the new taxes.  But I know you are missing your candles, so I'm going to do my best.

To place any order with us, contact us directly with what items you'd like to purchase. You can either write out a list in an email or send us a screen shot of your shopping cart.  Please note, it may take us up to 24 hours to respond to you so on a day like restock day, not all items may be available.

We will then do the following:

1. Create a draft order for you in our system that reserves your desired items from being purchased by other shoppers.

2. Create a custom item at our old Etsy store for you to check out with.

3. Once your item has been paid on Etsy, it will go into our order shipping queue. Your order will, at that point, be handled by Etsy's system for shipping and tracking. We will update your order on shopify with that same information so that you gain access to your rewards and once spot for tracking.

We know it's a bit round about and I hope we can change this in the future.



Update: We have turned orders back on for the EU (minus the UK)! We are going to create a manual order process for our UK customers that will involving checking out through Etsy since Etsy will handle VAT for their customers. Once I have this process written out, I will update this blog post and create a new page explaining it.  Thank you all for your patience!!

Hi all,

I hate doing this but I have to suspend taking orders from the UK and EU for (hopefully) a short while.

For the UK, with the new VAT laws going into place this month, I need to charge an extra VAT tax on orders under $180USD and have a tax ID for the UK to remit the VAT.

For the rest of the EU, I need an EORI number for every country I'd send any order over $15 to.  This is a lot of paperwork for me to do on my own and I can't really afford expensive tax software or accountants to do it for me.

Without these legal things, orders can be rejected at customs. I am doing my best to see what I need to do but it will take time. I will update this blog post once I have updates!

Thanks for your understanding,

PS: The reason we say the UK & EU despite it being a bit redundant is because there are slightly different reasons why we have to hold shipping to each area.

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